Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Halloween in full

After a very positive response to my mock up halloween luminary yesterday, I decided to go ahead and mix up an appropriate orange color for my pumpkin luminary today and have a real go at it.  My challenge this time around was to create 2 different layers of color for these luminaries. First layers would be in plain white to represent the inside of the "pumpkin" and create a bit of contrast.  The final layers were a nice orange pumpkin color to lend it a bit of authenticity.

Considering I'd never done a 2 tone luminary before, I'm really quite pleased with these, and reactions so far have been very positive.  I intend to make enough to take to the craft fayre with me, and then enough to be able to sell a few to family/friends and some people through FB. I hope you all enjoy these as much as I do!