Monday, 1 April 2013

Yes, more candles!

First in the news, I've ordered some more supplies.  In addition to doing my scented soy candles, my main intention is to do hurricane candle shells.  I think these will be so customisable and can be unique to each person ordering one.  So I've ordered the hurricane mold from Manzanas website, but won't be receiving it for a few weeks as they're not shipping out until the 17th due to a long easter break. I've also ordered from 4candles their 5kg slab of Candleshack 360S Paraffin Wax & PE-22 additive to strengthen the wax, and  CSN 12 wick to try .  In addition to all that I've ordered an Infrared no-contact thermometer to try, a hot glue gun to stick my sustainers to the bottom of the containers, a double-boiler setup, and some water balloons to make some wax luminaries - fun!

Here's an example of Hurricane Candles , and here are Water Balloon Luminaries

My main next purchases will be to try out some wicks from Candle Shack's website as I'm not 100% happy with the wicks I'm getting from 4candles, and to try out some scents from Scent Perfique and from Candle Shack.  I also need to find a large bucket and some mold weights to use for a water bath for my hurricane mold.

Ok back to candles!

After having a week off on holiday, the day has finally arrived for me to be able to get back to some candlemaking, hurray!

These two came out really well, I was so pleased to see these did not split and crack like the last two pink ones that I had made so I get to put those pink ones as a one-off.  I used orange color dye with these two, and Orange & cinnamon scent from Sensory Perfection.  I did my usual 84/82/65 routine in making these candles, however I broke from routine a bit by covering these two with a large plastic mixing bowl and wrapping that in towels, to allow the containers to cool slowly.  The texture on these just is so creamy smooth as a result and they smell amazing - I have to hope that the smell remains for the hot throw which I'll test in a few days time.

My first (and only) pour, hardly sunk at all so I really didn't need a 2nd pour.

Final results, with a bit of embellishing.

more to come, I hope to get to try my luminaries very soon!

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