Lucky I'd ordered and received more wax as I was definitely running a bit low. I followed the usual techniques that I've laid out earlier in the blog, and was reasonably pleased at how nice they came out, reasonably uniform in shape. Just differing a bit on size really. The violets were pretty easy to embed into the wax and I have to say they look really great against these cream luminaries.
Just as a bit of a sidenote, if anyone is concerned about using water balloons (which I obviously have to burst to get the luminary free), these water balloons are biodegradable.
Here they are cooling and setting.
Here they are set up with their matching tealights, 3 are apple strudel and spice scented from Candleshack (can you tell I like this scent?) and Asian Pear & Plum from Scent Perfique, which compliments the apple really well.
And finally showing off my favorite of the bunch, which I gifted to my MIL.
Still getting a few things together before I can attempt the hurricane candle mold that I've got, but soon as I get my act together, I'll be showing some of my efforts for those. Watch this space! :)
Love these! Very "botanical print" like.